
About personal data

Systembolaget Aktiebolag, reg.nr 556059-9473 (”we”, ”us” and ”our”), with address Kungsträdgårdsgatan 14, 103 84 STOCKHOLM, is the data controller of the processing of your personal data.

Personal data we process about you

We process your personal data that you provide to us when you sign up for our newsletters or press releases, participate in different contexts such as events and seminars or create a user account on our website.

Lawful basis for the processing of your personal data

Your personal data is processed on the basis that it is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest. The public interest is, in accordance with Announcement (2012:623) of Agreement between Systembolaget Aktiebolag and the State (Sw: tillkännagivande (2012:623) av avtal mellan Systembolaget Aktiebolag och staten), to provide information to the public about the risks associated with consumption of alcohol beverages (“the Agreement with the State”).

Why do we process your personal data?

We process your personal data for the overall purpose to convey the harmful effects of alcohol and the benefits with Systembolaget and thereby fulfill our legal obligation according to the Agreement with the State.

Your personal data, such as first- and surname and e-mail address, which you provide to us when you sign up for our newsletters or press releases is processed for the purpose of sending information, press releases, newsletters and text messages, as well as inviting you to events and seminars.

Demographic data (e.g. year of birth, city and profession), which you by your own choice provide to us when you sign up for our newsletters or press releases, or receive invitations to events and seminars for the purposes of directing our information to selected groups and to collect statistics.

Your e-mail address that you provide to us when you create a user account on our website is processed for the purposes of sending questionnaires and surveys, as well as to produce documentation and material for the information we send out.

If you are obligated to provide your personal data to us

The provision of personal data is neither a statutory nor a contractual requirement. You are not obliged to provide your personal data to us. However, if you do not provide your e-mail address to us, this affects your ability to subscribe to our newsletters or press releases.

Who will receive your personal data?

Our suppliers that provide our tools for different send outs have access to your personal data. We store your personal data in our suppliers’ lists for send outs. By doing so, our suppliers thereby process personal data on behalf of us, in the capacity of data processors.

We may share the e-mail address that you register when you create a user account on our website to our partners that help us conduct our surveys.

Transfer of personal data outside of the EU/EEA

We as well as our suppliers and partners only process your personal data within the EU/EEA, and do not transfer your personal data to any third countries.

How long will we store your personal data?

We store your personal data only for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which the personal data was collected.

You may unsubscribe from our newsletter or press releases through a link at the bottom of the email you receive from us. Your personal data is erased when you unsubscribe from our newsletter or press releases.

Your responses that you submit to us when you fill in our questionnaires or participate in one of our surveys are in general anonymous and we cannot identify you as a person. We erase questionnaires and recipient groups after five (5) years from a completed questionnaire or survey. 

Your rights

In accordance with applicable data protection legislation, you have a right to obtain information from us regarding the personal data that we process about you and a right to obtain from us without undue delay the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you.

You also have a right under certain conditions, to request the erasure or restriction of personal data concerning you or to object to our processing. Additionally, you have the right under certain conditions to receive the personal data concerning you, which you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those data to another data controller (data portability).

If you have any complaints regarding our processing of your personal data, you have a right to lodge a complaint to the Swedish Data Protection Authority or other competent supervisory authority monitoring companies processing of personal data.

Contact us

If you wish to exercise your rights as above or wish to get in contact with us by reason of our processing of your personal data, you can do this by contacting our data protection officer by telephone 08 - 503 300 00 (Switchboard) or by e-mail dataskyddsombud@systembolaget.se.


This information on processing of personal data was established by Systembolaget AB on the 25 May 2018.