For producers

Purchasing process

The step by step guide to Systembolaget's purchasing process.

The process is equal for the different categories of beverages.


Strategies for the different categories are published.


Future launches are continuously announced and briefly described in a launch plan.


Launches are specified in requests for tenders. These requests are published four times a year, approximately 7-8 months ahead of the launch.

Category strategies, launch plans and requests for tenders are available for all beverage suppliers which have been approved by Systembolaget.


Systembolaget asks for product samples from tenders that correspond to what is stated in the request and that meet all formalities.  


The final selection is made by a panel blind tasting the product samples. The product with the highest quality and is corresponding to the tasting profile in the request is the winner.


Just prior to launch, a quality follow-up is carried out to ensure that the delivered product for stores are identical to the product that won the tender. The follow-up consists of a chemical analysis in Systembolaget's laboratory and a sensory analysis.


All products are regularly evaluated and the level of distribution is changed to follow consumer demand.