Our Most Sustainable Beverages

Environmentally certified cultivation and production

Environmentally certified cultivation and production is one criterion for our Most Sustainable Beverages guidance.

Certifications that perform well in relevant environmental areas

The beverage should be certified with one or more certifications that demonstrate good performance in environmental areas of the cultivation and production stages. These include biodiversity, soil health, chemical use, water management, waste management, energy, and climate.

The selection of well performing certifications is based on an annual review and comparative study conducted by independent consultants (Intertek) on behalf of the Nordic Alcohol Retail Monopolies (Systembolaget, Vinmonopolet, Alko, Vínbúðin, and Rúsdrekkasøla).

The certification must be product-specific and clearly displayed on the packaging.

Certifications that perform well in relevant environmental areas

Bodegas de Argentina
Certified California Sustainable Vineyard and Winery (CCSW)
Certified Sustainable Wine of Chile
Equalitas Sustainable Wine
EU Organic / EU-ekologiskt
Fair for Life
Fair ’n Green
FairChoice Germany
Fairtrade - Standard for Hired Labour
For Life
IPW South Africa
LIVE Certified Sustainable /OREGON LIVE
Napa Green
The National Reference of Sustainability Certification in the Winesector
SIP Certified
SOSTAIN Sustainability in Sicilian Viticulture
Sustainable Austria
Sustainable Winegrowing Australia
Sustainable Winegrowing New Zealand
Sustainable Wineries for Climate Protection
Terra Vitis

Vignerons en Développement Durable

V.I.V.A Sustainability and culture
Wines of Alentejo Sustainability Programme

Fairtrade and Fair for Life are primarily associated with social responsibility, but these certifications also impose strict environmental requirements on cultivation and production.

Organic certification is a specific type of environmental certification. Compared to other environmental certifications, organic certifications (such as EU Organic and Krav) stand out due to their stringent requirements regarding pesticides and fertilizers. However, organic certifications tend to have somewhat weaker criteria in other environmental areas. For example, the EU Organic certification does not impose any requirements related to the production stage.

Overall, Systembolaget acknowledges that, despite its strengths and weaknesses, organic certification plays a strategically important role in promoting sustainable agriculture in the future. As such, we continue to include organic certifications in the environmental criterion of Our Most Sustainable Beverages.